12 events found.
Commodore Cup
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One Design Fall Cup
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Trivia Night
Trivia Night
Armdale Yacht Club 75 Burgee Run, Halifax, Nova ScotiaStart the week off with a fun and friendly (and sometimes competitive!) night of trivia! Teams of up to six will compete in three rounds of twenty questions each. The winning team in each round will receive a $20 gift card to Spinnakers Restaurant.
Trivia Night
Trivia Night
Armdale Yacht Club 75 Burgee Run, Halifax, Nova ScotiaStart the week off with a fun and friendly (and sometimes competitive!) night of trivia! Teams of up to six will compete in three rounds of twenty questions each. The winning team in each round will receive a $20 gift card to Spinnakers Restaurant.
Poker Run
Poker run followed by potluck and entertainment with Geoff Kennedy 7:30 to 10pm