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Dining Room Reservations are recommended to avoid disappointment. Note: reservations are required for weekly Dinner Specials.

*Office closed 12:00 Noon – 1 PM, Tuesday – Friday. We recommend calling prior to visiting the office to ensure the Office Administrator is available for assistance.

If front door locked during Office Hours, please ring buzzer to gain entrance. Access to shower & washroom – Side entrance is open 24/7; washroom is joint use in overnight hours.


The Armdale Yacht Club (AYC) extends a warm welcome to Members, Visiting Yachts, their Crews and Non-Members alike. The AYC offers a complete range of facilities and services to meet the needs of todays yachtsperson, their families, friends and guests.



Office Location
75 Burgee Run
Halifax, NS B3P 0C9

Telephone: (902) 477-4617
